If your car breaks down, you’re not going to just start replacing things hoping one of them is the broken part and your car will start working. No, you will inspect the car to find the broken part and then fix it. The same needs to happen with your ADHD. We are quick to throw […]
I have so many of my clients come to me wanting to make a change and start managing their ADHD. I have parents wanting their child to get their grades pulled up. Adults who want to end a work day feeling accomplished and stress free instead of overwhelmed and lazy. As humans, we have this […]
A lot of people tell me their child with ADHD doesn’t have study skills or never learned study skills, but my question to you is what are study skills, really? Well, it’s a set of tools you use to prepare for a test. What are those tools? The tools are planning for when you’re going […]
Are you constantly hearing your child’s teachers tell you that your child needs to pay attention in class? For some, they might add that they are ‘a sweet kid’ while others are seeing the words ‘distraction to others’.I understand that all too well. As a matter of fact, for whatever reason, my mom kept my […]
I remember when I was in school, teachers would assign us class work/homework and I would sit there… staring at a blank page… for hours. I distinctly remember being assigned a research paper in high school. We had been given two weeks to work on the paper but what did I do? Waited till the […]
Click below to hear my podcast with David Wu where I share my personal experience as a student and athlete with ADHD.