Those of us with ADHD are all over the place. We have a hard time keeping up with the things that need to get done. We are constantly behind and forgetting things.
I am here to tell you that you are not alone! Many of us experience this scattered brain. It is frustrating when your family and friends always express frustration with you because you are frequently late or not getting the chores done. At work or school, you are struggling to keep up and get your work done in a timely manner, if at all.
While I know it is exhausting for them, it’s even more exhausting for you. You want to do better but don’t always know how. You can envision what it could be like if you were organized, but you don’t know how to close the gap to get from where you are now to where you want to go.
People with ADHD can thrive and not just survive. Here are 3 steps that need to THRIVE, not just survive.
- You must understand your ADHD and exactly how it is impacting your life.
- Accountability is key. Find that person who can help keep you on track but not drive you nuts to the point where you are getting annoyed.
- When your plan is not working, don’t stop, figure out what isn’t working, and adjust!
For many of my clients, it is hard to know how to make this happen. Understanding their ADHD sounds great, but it’s hard to find the right resources. They want an accountability partner, but their parents are just not the right fit. The current system they are using was working, but it’s not anymore. Knowing how to adjust is not always easy.
I can help you better understand your ADHD with a partner in crime who can see the bird’s eye view and help you learn to turn scattered into successful.